Professional Online Marketing LLC –

Professional Online Marketing LLC
Call for Details: 616-894-2662

Professional Online Marketing LLC has SEO Experts who know the best methods to implement an SEO strategy that works. Our focus is on organic marketing strategies that are customized to bring your business results on Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Search Engine Listing Submission & Correction

We handle our marketing by researching your industry and getting to know your business. First and foremost, we must address any mistakes and/or omissions you may have in your business listings for major search engines. It is not uncommon, even for businesses who are established to have many mistakes on various search engines. This is largely due to search engines having independent keying departments and different sources for information. Continuity in those listings is important, as well as accuracy. We correct any errors you may have, suppress any listings that are duplicate or inaccurate, and enhance those listings by adding content such as business descriptions, photos and external links. It doesn’t stop there however, as we lock those listings after correction to ensure they stay correct. This allows us to have complete control over major search engines, as well as comprehensive analytics showing their effectiveness and improvement of consumer activity over time.

You may check your online listings now for basic errors by clicking here.

On-site SEO

We start with Onsite SEO where we work on presenting your website in the best light possible to the different Search Engines. We do this by making sure that the following is addressed:

  • Relevant Content
  • Links tied into your Keywords
  • Titles, Headers, and Tags tied into your Keywords
  • Internal Linking
  • Sitemaps
  • Analytical Tools
  • Social Media Tie-Ins
  • And More…

It is our goal to make sure that your website is as optimized for visibility and exposure as possible.

Offsite SEO

We integrate with over 100 different search engines! That a lot of links and our customers see and feel the difference!

Part of our Off-Site SEO consists of creating a domain authority for your website. We want to make sure that the Search Engine sees you as a relevant source of information for potential visitors. The better your linkage the more authority or link juice you’re given. That Domain Authority or Link Juice translates to higher keyword positioning on your website.

For Example:

If you were to show up on, with the linking it has you would have a huge authority from that site passed on to your website.

In order to complete these tasks and give you the best success, we utilize the best software of measurement for website authority and have what we like to call Web 2.0 strategies.

Here are some of them:

  • Local Listings
  • Search Engine Submission and enhancement.
  • Classified Ad Submissions
  • Press Release Distributions
  • Social Bookmarking
  • Competitor Link Posting
  • Manual Reviews
  • And More…

With the implementation of our outbound and inbound links, we are able to provide a method that allows your business to grow organically and eventually position at the top of major search engines.

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